A new menswear company was about to step into the limelight. Their brand was all about daring and hunger, ideas that are not commonly associated with “apprentice,” but are vital to being one.
Encre sur papier
21 x 29 cm
encre sur papier
Science and Technology Editor Eunice West of The Financial Pulse had a report on water shortage. This graphic illustrates the complexities of the issue.
Encre sur papier
15 x 21 cm
Encre de chine sur papier
15 x 21 cm
Encre de chine sur papier
15 x 21 cm
Encre de chine sur papier
15 x 21 cm
Encre de chine sur papier
15 x 21 cm
La peinture de vivian Scheihing est…. bla bla bla bla
Esta serie de dibujos es una serie de 44 dibujos hechos con tinta china sobre papel.